Keywords: taxes, tax system, sustainable development, budget, taxation process, well-being


Taxes and the tax system are an exceptional tool of the state management mechanism, the effectiveness and efficiency of which determines the level of economic development and the state of well-being of the country's population. Under modern conditions, society and the governments of countries face numerous tasks related to the need to increase the well-being of nations by achieving the goals of sustainable development. This creates new challenges and opportunities for the national tax system. The role of taxes in achieving the goals of sustainable development is explored in the article. A set of challenges to the tax system of Ukraine was determined in terms of three components: environmental, economic, and social. The key tasks of the further sustainable development of the national tax system in the context of the main elements of the concept of sustainability are outlined here. The main among them are: generation of the required amount of tax flows, stimulation of social responsibility of business, reduction of inequality of market distribution of income and wealth in the country, increase of transparency and inclusiveness of the tax system, promotion of development of environmentally sustainable business. The set of problematic aspects inherent in the tax system of Ukraine at this stage of its development and functioning is investigated. The structure of tax revenues of the State Budget of Ukraine is analyzed. The assessment of the main sources of state revenue showed that the most important taxes for the national economy are: value-added tax (from imported and domestic goods), tax on the income of individuals, tax on the profit of enterprises. The aggregate share of state tax revenues has decreased to 45% in recent years. Some areas of further improvement of the domestic tax system on the basis of sustainable development were identified. Among them: the introduction of a progressive scale of income taxation; elimination of bureaucratic difficulties arising in the process of checking and blocking tax invoices; increasing the convenience of IT tax services and solutions, simplifying procedures for registering tax invoices.


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How to Cite
Kryukova, I., Andriushchenko, I., & Rudenko, S. (2024). THE MODERN CHALLENGES AND TASKS FOR THE TAX SYSTEM OF UKRAINE IN THE CONTEXT OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (19), 158-165.