Keywords: interfirm interactions, information and communication technologies, coordination, digital technologies


The research aims to determine the features of interaction between companies in the conditions of digital transformation of economic activity. The author analyzed various theories of the development of corporate networks, such as theories of stages, states and unification. Five stages of development of network relations are distinguished: identification of connections, initial stage of interaction, development of relations, preservation and destruction. The relationship between these stages and various types of interactions, such as contact, co-production, cooperation, coordination, co-evolution and consolidation, is established. It has been studied that the use of digital technologies to accelerate technological evolution allows enterprises to increase their competitive advantages. It is important to note that studies have shown that the industry and business sphere (industry or service sphere) do not affect the process of development of corporate networks. An own model of the development of corporate interactions in the conditions of digital transformation of economic activity is proposed. The author emphasizes that the formation of corporate interactions allows organizations to ensure their effectiveness through the involvement of interested parties in cooperation in solving various issues, the globalization of resources for risk management, the coordination of the actions of interested parties and the formation of the possibility of rapid generation of knowledge. An assessment of the enterprise's readiness for digital transformation and determination of its maturity in the use of digital technologies is provided. Establishing the needs for technical and organizational resources that will support the digital transformation of business processes. Using technologies for processing and analyzing large volumes of data to obtain valuable information. A unified network based on blockchain technology has been developed to create complex solutions aimed at providing products and services to customers. The authors' conclusions emphasize that in order to achieve strategic goals in modern conditions, it is important for economic entities to have the resources and abilities to implement digitalization of corporate interactions. In the conclusion, the contextual tasks of the development of corporate interactions in the conditions of digital transformation of economic activity are given.


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How to Cite
Loboda, O. (2024). ANALYSIS OF MUTUAL CORPORATIONS IN THE MINDS OF DIGITALIZATION OF ECONOMIC ACTIVITY. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (19), 77-85.