Keywords: business competence, psychological readiness, bachelor of economic education, master of economic education, minuses of economic education, business mentality


The article is devoted to the analysis of the problem of professional training economic departments students. It is noted that the current level of training does not meet the needs of society. As a result of the study, the low level of formation of entrepreneurial competence was emphasized, which is explained by the weak psychological preparation of economics students. Business competence is interpreted as a component of professional competence. It ensures the orientation of the future specialist's activities towards success in business and further independent implementation of professional activities in the business field. According to the author, its components include high physical and psychological capacity; personal responsibility; the ability to act in conditions of uncertainty; willingness to take calculated risks; the ability to establish connections; tendency to agree to solve tasks; ability to sell and willingness to start own business. Sometimes in the scientific literature, entrepreneurial competence is also called psychological readiness for entrepreneurial activity. Among the reasons that prevent the formation of business competence are the lack of formation of an business mentality in the average Ukrainian, the imperfection of curricula and educational programs of economic departments, prejudices regarding the innate nature of business abilities, insufficient formation of practical skills for activities in the field of business. In order to optimize the level of business competence, it is proposed to deepen psychological training with the use of systematic training work and a number of practices in the field of creating one's own business. Such education should be oriented towards the formation of a positive attitude of the student towards business activity; development of personal traits important for entrepreneurial activity, manifestation of business initiative, willingness to start one's own business, accumulation of business experience. Such optimization is of particular importance in the preparation of students of the second master's level of high education.


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How to Cite
Akimova, N. (2024). PROBLEMS OF PSYCHOLOGICAL TRAINING OF ECONOMIC STUDENTS. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (19), 20-25.