Keywords: social media, Social Media Marketing (SMM), customers behaviour, behaviour of the enterprise, online-communication, online-market


The article is sanctified to the research of influence of social networks on behavior of enterprise on online-market. Marketing in social networks in modern terms makes basis of most corporate and brand of digital- strategies that allow to business to reach the audience and build permanent long-term relationships with the consumer. Effective strategy of work correctly built in social medias allows to demonstrate experience and grow knowledge of brand and, as a result, generate path and increase the volumes of off-line sales in a strategic prospect. All of it makes social networks the modern instrument of competitive activity not only in a digital environment and strengthens the concentration of efforts of enterprises in social media for the sake of global business-aims achievement. This article is sent to research of influence of digitalization and digitalized society on forming the strategies of behavior of enterprises in social networks as one of effective methods of promotion and creation of competitive edges through perception of consumer. In the process of analysis the conception of levels of consumers promotion to the development of brand in social networks that includes the following stages, as brand satisfaction, brand loyalty, engagement rate of brand is formed. Structuring of practical experience of social media implementation gave an opportunity to form behavior alsigns and distinguish the typical elements of marketing behavior of enterprise in social networks that will have a practical benefit at planning of digital- strategy communication. Taking into account the achieved results and being based on conformities to the law of consumers behavior the algorithm of online-consumers promotion is worked out through the social networks that can be used as basis of the strategic planning of communication for on-line of environment. This algorithm includes research of target audience behavior, determination to the portrait of typical on-line-consumer for every target segment, realization of targeting, determination of key indexes of effectiveness evaluation. The use of given approach gives an opportunity to form the complex approach to the strategy work in social media for achieving business-aims of the enterprise in the edge of corporate communication or communication of separate brand is offered.


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How to Cite
Kapinus, L. (2023). INFLUENCE OF SOCIAL NETWORKS ON MARKETING BEHAVIOUR OF THE ENTERPRISES ON ONLINE MARKET. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (18), 86-93.