Keywords: region, socio-economic development, means of support, uneven development of regions, potential of the region, components of the potential of the region


The article considers the ways of ensuring social and economic development of the regions. Attention is focused on the difference in approaches to the interpretation of the concept of "region". It is recommended to separate the regions of Ukraine based on the administrative-territorial distribution based on the form of information submission by the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine and the publication Statistical Yearbook of Ukraine. The reasons for the uneven development of the regions were considered, among the main reasons were found: labor and energy costs, the development of production and the infrastructure of the region itself. Approaches based on the degree of state regulation of the functioning of regions are summarized: "non-interventionists", who deny the need for state intervention; "adapters", who vote for state intervention at the level of investment mechanisms and labor migration regulation; "regional converters" advocating intensive regulation. The content of the concept of "potential of the region" is considered. The potential of the region is a set of resources and opportunities that can be used to develop and support the economic, social and cultural well-being of this region. When assessing the potential of a specific region, the degree of mastery of such components as: resource, production, labor, technical-technological, organizational, financial and social is analyzed. Ways of ensuring regional development through intensification of efforts in the following areas are recommended: social, price, employment, technological, resource, energy, environmental, economic and market. The key areas that will contribute to the achievement of regional development goals have been identified: increasing the efficiency of the system of managing socio-economic potential in the regions; search for an optimal balance of local, regional and state interests; improvement of methods of formation of local and regional markets and their infrastructure; formation of investment policy taking into account the specifics of specific regions; creation of an effective property management system of various forms of ownership; Intensification and improvement of the efficiency of the use of local resources.


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How to Cite
Savchenko, T., Nikoliuk, O., & Konkin, R. (2023). WAYS OF ENSURING SOCIO-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE REGION. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (17), 153-159. https://doi.org/10.32782/2708-0366/2023.17.21