Keywords: competencies, learning outcomes, management, educational process, innovative technologies


First, the corona virus pandemic (Covid-19), and then the military aggression against Ukraine completely changed and overturned the views on the organization of the educational process in educational institutions, including higher education. High-quality achievement of competencies and program learning outcomes has become a certain challenge for higher education institutions. The preparation and training process of future personnel of law enforcement agencies was not an exception. Achieving competencies and program learning outcomes became a difficult task that required a review of approaches to their achievement. That is why it is necessary to generalize and define the conditions for the introduction of innovative learning technologies into educational activities in the training of law enforcement officers. That is why it is necessary to generalize and define the conditions for the introduction of innovative learning technologies into educational activities in the training of law enforcement officers. The previously mentioned factors dealt a big blow to the system of higher education in Ukraine and forced to rapidly move to distance learning, implement electronic assessment, use various platforms and quickly implement the digitalization process in the educational process. These and other processes could not help but affect the quality of training of specialists in various fields, including law enforcement. The work examines the stages of training future law enforcement officers. Competence achievements and program learning outcomes in the preparation of future law enforcement officers are summarized. And also the articles are summarized and provided a description of innovative educational technologies in the training of law enforcement officers, which allow high-quality achievement of program learning outcomes, in particular: Virtual reality and Augmented reality, Electronic learning (e-learning), Interactive applications and programs, Artificial intelligence systems, Simulation games, Online collaboration, Data analytics, Video surveillance and face recognition systems, Automation systems and robotics.


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How to Cite
Nikoliuk, O., Rodina , O., & Kontseva, V. (2023). IMPLEMENTATION OF INNOVATIVE EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGIES IN THE TRAINING OF LAW ENFORCEMENT BODIES SPECIALISTS. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (17), 147-152.