In order to protect the enterprise from the negative impact of such a threat as the instability of the economy, it is necessary to carry out special management of its financial and economic security. Management of the financial and economic security of the enterprise in conditions of economic instability is a purposeful activity consisting in a continuous process of making and implementing management decisions aimed at minimizing the negative impact of the factor of economic instability in order to establish and maintain the maximum possible level of economic security of the enterprise. It can be current (if the factor of economic instability already exists at the time of management) and prospective (if there is a possibility of this factor occurring in the future). The management of the financial and economic security of the enterprise in conditions of economic instability has the following stages of implementation: assessment of the level of economic security of the enterprise, assessment of the level of economic instability (predictive assessment in the case of prospective management), development of a strategy for ensuring financial security (in the case of prospective management - the development of several alternative strategies and the determination of the optimal ), implementation of the strategy, assessment of the level of financial security of the enterprise and assessment of the effectiveness of the strategy. In the course of its activity, the enterprise interacts with various entities that can provide significant opportunities and create serious threats, it is necessary to take into account not only its own interests, but also various interests of partners and competitors. Ensuring financial and economic security should be based not from the standpoint of a separate process, but in the system of interrelationships of all processes that take place both inside the enterprise and outside it in interaction with the external environment. In order to support the trend of increasing the level of financial and economic security of the enterprise, it is necessary to develop mechanisms for effective management of production assets, equity and improve the sale of the enterprise's products for the opportunity to make a profit in the future.
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