Keywords: alternative, money behaviour, money obsession, managers, consumer behaviour, provision, attitude to money, rationality


The article is devoted to topical issues related to determining the impact of attitudes toward money and monetary behavior on aspects of managers' consumption behavior. Consumer behavior is considered as an organized form of activity aimed at meeting actual needs through the search for necessary goods and funds, choosing the optimal alternative and organizing the procedure of socio-economic exchange. From the point of view of the convergence of various fields of science and practice, consumer behavior can be defined as the conscious or unconscious behavior of an economic subject, aimed at satisfying one's own rational or irrational motives, needs and desires and determined by personal psycho-emotional factors and features of thinking, which is aimed at choosing the best alternative from the individual's point of view and conscious rejection of others. Personal factors of consumer behavior of managers were studied, such as: thrift, rationality of allocation of funds, flexibility in the choice of goods, buying as a means of obtaining what is desired. It was found that the majority of managers rationally allocate funds, are flexible in choosing goods, make purchases to satisfy their desires, and demonstrate a high level of orientation towards the opinion of others. It was established that the consumer behavior of managers is significantly influenced by the attitude to money and monetary behavior, which confirms the results of the correlation analysis. According to the results of the survey, managers demonstrate an average level of money behavior, such factors as: money obsession, money as power, frugality, inadequate money behavior. Based on the results of the study, it was determined that most managers rationally allocate funds, are flexible in choosing goods, make purchases to satisfy their desires, and demonstrate a high level of orientation to the opinion of others. The financial behavior of managers and their attitude to money significantly affect their consumer behavior, in particular, such aspects of its manifestation as: rational distribution of money, orientation to the opinions of others, flexibility in the choice of goods and purchase as obtaining what is desired, which is confirmed by the conducted correlation analysis.


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How to Cite
Vartanova, O. (2023). INFLUENCE OF ATTITUDE TOWARDS MONEY ON THE CONSUMER BEHAVIOR OF MANAGERS. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (17), 85-92.