The main goal of this article was to examine the role of information technologies and digital tools for the country in the realities of war and overcoming its consequences. General scientific methods such as analysis, synthesis, comparison, specification, generalization, and content analysis were used to achieve the research objective. It was found that the IT industry, during the war, preserved businesses and professionals by leveraging the advantages of digitization in organizing remote work processes. It was noted that the IT sector can act as a catalyst to support Ukraine's strategic sectors during the war and the country's recovery process. The important directions for implementing modern information technologies and digital tools to overcome the war's aftermath were discussed. Measures were outlined for successful utilization of opportunities that facilitate further digitization of society and fast recovery of the country through innovative approaches based on modern information and digital technologies. Emphasis was placed on the necessity of involving the IT sector in the development of the military-tech industry and priority defense technologies through the formation and support of cluster structures with the assistance of government bodies, businesses, and all stakeholders involved. Recommendations were provided regarding the utilization of innovative developments in the IT field, particularly artificial intelligence, in various spheres of activity for both the country and businesses. It was highlighted that neural networks would optimize processes, improve task accuracy and quality, and enhance results in challenging conditions brought about by the war. The importance of regulating information technologies and digital tools was emphasized, along with the need to create an open and favorable environment for their development, considering the protection of intellectual property rights and security risks. It was argued that information technologies and digital models would assist the country, the military, and businesses in consolidating efforts to withstand and counter enemy aggression and enable enterprises of all sizes, not only large but also medium and small, to recover at the national, regional, and local levels.
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