• Halyna Nazarova Central Ukrainian National Technical University
  • Lesіa Kononenko Kherson State Agrarian and Economic University (Kherson / Kropyvnytskyi)
  • Mykhailo Vasyliev Central Ukrainian National Technical University
Keywords: information systems, customs declaration, customs clearance, customs control, customs procedures, international economy, international trade, digitalisation


The article notes that customs clearance is the process of ensuring that goods imported into or exported from a country comply with applicable customs regulations. This process involves the preparation and submission of documents to the relevant customs authorities, payment of duties and taxes, and inspection of goods. Customs clearance is important for businesses importing or exporting goods because it ensures that the goods are properly documented and that duties and taxes are paid on time. Customs clearance also helps protect the country's borders and economy by preventing the illegal importation of goods. The customs clearance process can be improved by simplifying paperwork, using automated systems, and improving the skills of customs officers. In addition, governments can work with businesses to develop better systems for tracking goods and enforcing customs regulations. Finally, governments can work to reduce the number of taxes and fees imposed on imported goods, which can help reduce the cost and complexity of customs clearance. The article analyzes six types of customs declarations used for customs clearance of goods in Ukraine. The procedures and the procedure for refusing to file customs declarations are considered. The author analyzes all the procedures inherent in the respective type of customs declarations, which depend on the customs regime, regularity of importation, the state of the declarant, and the availability of all documents confirming the information contained in the customs declarations. Particular attention is paid to the condition of the declarant who is authorized to use the simplified declaration procedure. A list of compliance with the authorization criteria for the use of the simplified declaration procedure has been established for entities that play a role in the international supply chain (manufacturer, exporter, importer, customs representative, carrier, freight forwarder, warehouse holder) and have received authorization for the status of an authorized economic operator. The author outlines the basic requirements for the use of each type of customs declaration and the specifics of its application. The author proposes to simplify the classification of types of customs declarations and to improve the customs clearance procedures, which will simplify the customs clearance procedures with a view to improving customs control in general.


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How to Cite
Nazarova, H., Kononenko, L., & Vasyliev, M. (2023). CUSTOMS CLEARANCE IN THE CUSTOMS CONTROL SYSTEM: CURRENT STATE AND DIRECTIONS OF IMPROVEMENT. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (16), 249-257.