This article examines the impact of globalization on the international competitiveness of tourism enterprises. It explores key aspects of globalization processes in the tourism industry and their influence on the competitiveness of enterprises. Various factors are analyzed, including changes in technology, transportation infrastructure, international business activities, and tourism management mechanisms. The authors of the article analyze recent research and publications on the topic, including studies on the use of social media for promotion and sales of tourism products, the development of an environmentally sustainable tourism mechanism, management methods for enhancing competitive advantages, and the resilience of tourism businesses in times of crisis. The findings contribute to understanding the relationship between globalization and the competitiveness of tourism enterprises and provide insights for developing strategies to thrive in the global market. This article is a valuable source of information for researchers and professionals in the field of tourism and enterprise management who are interested in the impact of globalization on the competitiveness of the tourism sector and seek new approaches to achieve success in this industry. The article emphasizes the importance of understanding how globalization shapes the competitive landscape of the tourism industry. It highlights the role of social media in promoting and selling tourism products, stressing the need for enterprises to adapt to the digital era to maintain their competitiveness. Furthermore, the article explores the concept of balanced development in recreational tourism within the context of European integration. It examines the environmental and economic mechanisms necessary for achieving sustainable tourism practices, which contribute to the long-term competitiveness of enterprises. The authors also delve into management methods that can enhance the competitive advantages of hotel, restaurant, and tourism enterprises. They discuss strategies for improving service quality, optimizing operational efficiency, and meeting customer expectations in an increasingly globalized market. Additionally, the article examines the resilience of tourism businesses during times of crisis, specifically addressing the challenges posed by the imposition of a state of war. It investigates strategies and measures that can help tourism enterprises withstand and overcome such adverse conditions, ensuring their continued competitiveness. Overall, this article offers valuable insights into the complex relationship between globalization and the international competitiveness of tourism enterprises. It provides researchers and practitioners with a comprehensive understanding of the various dimensions and factors that influence competitiveness in the global tourism market. The findings and recommendations presented in the article can inform the development of effective strategies for tourism enterprises to thrive in an ever-evolving globalized world.
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