• Olena Loboda Kherson State Agrarian and Economic University (Kherson / Kropyvnytskyi)
Keywords: digital technologies, management decisions, information syste, information system, embedded system


The article discusses the essence of the system of information support for entrepreneurial activity, systematizes the structure and composition of its elements, shows the essence of information support for entrepreneurial activity based on the study of the interpretation of concepts in the scientific literature and concludes that it is advisable to use information. Systems in the modern computer society The structure and composition of the elements of the information support system is systematized, which is an important step in solving the problems of modeling and forming an effective information support system for the business structure. It has been proved that when forming the information support system for entrepreneurial activity, it is necessary to take into account the stages of information movement, which ensures the stability of accumulation, consumption and reproduction in modern conditions of the enterprise information support system. The organizational and economic model of the integrated business information support system, aimed at increasing its efficiency and competitiveness, is based on advanced computer technologies and software using information integration tools. The analysis of the features of the modern information system, the identification of negative trends and problems leading to a decrease in the effectiveness of information support was carried out. The implementation, improvement and maintenance of the information support system involves the organization and accounting of business costs, that is, in this context, it is necessary to evaluate the purpose and possible options for improving the business information system. Information support for entrepreneurship should be carried out through the creation of the information space "Heritage", fully designed to meet the information needs of solving managerial, economic. The automation algorithm of the integrated information support system, based on a software platform, provides data aggregation and is responsible for the actions of all levels of the system. This algorithm allows the existence of a system based on the use of software and hardware from different manufacturers, implemented and used in the company.


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How to Cite
Loboda, O. (2023). ADVANTAGES OF USING AN INTEGRATED BUSINESS INFORMATION SYSTEM. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (16), 133-139.