• Iryna Debela Kherson State Agrarian and Economic University (Kherson / Kropyvnytskyi)
Keywords: adequacy, algorithm, decomposition, model, system analysis, parameters, specification


The decision-making process, algorithmically, is a sequence of steps to achieve the goal of management - choosing the optimal strategy from a set of possible alternatives. From a mathematical point of view, the decision-making process is a stochastic, partially deterministic multi-criteria optimization problem. Application of a single algorithm to models of various control problems is not possible for many reasons. First, the difficulty in choosing modeling tools – it is not possible to apply known optimization schemes, due to the non-determinism of the input parameters, the lack of their numerical estimates, or identifiers of the defining characteristics of the control object. Secondly, the multiplicity of criteria for choosing alternatives. Mathematical theory ensures the adequacy of the solution according to the single criterion of optimality. If there are several selection ratios from a set of alternatives, then the search for an optimal solution cannot be formalized only by mathematical operators. The application of the systematic principle of decomposition simplifies the algorithmization of the model, preserving the condition of optimality at each control step. The versatility of the system approach to building models of management tasks lies precisely in the combination of various methods of scientific knowledge.


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How to Cite
Debela , I. (2023). CONCEPTUAL MODEL OF THE MANAGEMENT OPTIMIZATION PROBLEM. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (16), 114-118.