Keywords: agribusiness, global agricultural markets, risks, logistics, revitalization, niche crops


The military operations and occupation of a considerable part of the Ukrainian territory by the russian armed forces have caused losses of billions UAH suffered by our farmers. Numerous risks have had a negative impact on profitability of production processes and posed a threat for agribusiness. However, there is a positive aspect of it, since Ukraine has become one of the global leaders and proved its important role in the functioning of the global agricultural market. Currently Ukraine faces excellent prospects of achieving new success and the opportunity to strengthen its positions in the world. In order to realize the plans, Ukrainian agribusiness should be aware of the fact that steady agricultural development is impossible without introducing innovations and modern technologies. The purpose of the study is to determine the current state of agribusiness in Ukraine and its revitalization in a post-war period. Agricultural producers understand that, because of the military actions, they must involve all the available resources for maintaining their businesses, jobs and try do their best to increase the volumes of production of agricultural products, that will allow ensuring food security of the country. In order to earn profits, it is necessary to take a number of measures, in particular, to subsidize purchase of agricultural products, to ensure VAT refunds and provide additional insurance guarantees for agricultural commodity producers, and to reduce expenditures of agricultural enterprises on transportation of their products. At present a new logistics direction in agribusiness has been introduced and truck and container parks for transporting grain crops have started functioning. Ukrainian farmers take huge efforts to ensure food security of the country and rescue the most vulnerable social layers of the globe from famine and hope for financial assistance of the global community. The study examines the current state of agribusiness. It identifies challenges for Ukrainian agricultural producers under conditions of the war and methods for coping with them. The study gives recommendations on revitalization of agribusiness in a post-war period.



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How to Cite
Bioko, L., & Boiko, V. (2023). THE CURRENT STATE OF AGRIBUSINESS IN UKRAINE AND ITS REVITALIZATION IN A POST-WAR PERIOD. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (16), 55-61.