Keywords: state enterprises, state-owned business entities, form of ownership, net profit, corporate management, enterprise finances, budget revenues


The article examines theoretical and practical aspects of the functioning of state-owned enterprises. In many countries of the world, despite the dominance of the private sector of the economy, the public sector continues to exist and develop. In addition, market-developed countries in which corporate management is established at state-owned enterprises receive significant revenues from the public sector, which are used to fill budgets. A somewhat different situation has developed in Ukraine. The total number of state-owned enterprises is quite large, but about half of them are inactive. Among working enterprises, the number of unprofitable enterprises has increased significantly in recent years. As a result, there were significant fiscal risks of budgetary losses due to the activities of state-owned enterprises. The purpose of this article is to study the legislative foundations of the functioning of state-owned enterprises in Ukraine and to identify the main problems of their activity. The work examines the composition of economic entities of the state sector of the economy, describes the main types of economic entities of the state sector of the economy. The main types of state-owned enterprises are identified, and their functions are defined. The place and role of economic entities of the state sector of the economy in the economic system of the state is determined. The efficiency of state-owned enterprises in recent years has been analyzed. It was concluded that the activity of economic entities of the state sector of the economy is extremely important, as it performs a number of socially important tasks. However, inefficient management of the activities of these economic entities can lead to significant budget losses, which ultimately neutralize the positive impact of the implementation of activities by such enterprises. It is assumed that proper corporate management at state-owned enterprises should increase their social and economic efficiency, as well as minimize budget risks related to non-receipt of tax and non-tax revenues from these entities and a forced increase in expenditures due to state guarantee obligations for loans of such enterprises. The research was conducted using structural, comparative, statistical, and economic methods of analysis. Calculation-analytical and graphical methods were used in the processing of actual data. Regulatory acts, scientific works of foreign and domestic scientists, Internet resources, and statistical data on the work of state-owned enterprises served as the information base.


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How to Cite
Posadnieva, O., & Povod, T. (2023). THE ROLE OF STATE ENTERPRISES IN THE ECONOMIC SYSTEM OF UKRAINE. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (15), 192-200.