Keywords: economic security, factors of the market environment, industrial enterprises, integral indicator, profit, model of integral assessment of economic security of the enterprise


The article determines that industrial enterprises have an urgent need to increase the level of economic security in order to protect against the factors of the market environment, to ensure the efficiency of financial and economic activity. It was established that the vast majority of enterprises suffered significant losses, are gradually resuming their work and need a set of measures to counteract and neutralize the impact of negative factors. The concept of "economic security" and the components of an enterprise's economic security, namely: financial, intellectual, personnel, social, technical-technological, political-legal, informational, environmental, power, innovative, have been studied. The index of industrial production for 2014-2021 and June 2022 was analyzed. The number of enterprises during 2014-2021 was considered and the forecasted profits of the industrial sector for the period of martial law were given. The activity of the State Enterprise "Antonov" was studied, the forecasted profits for 2022 were analyzed based on the use of the trend line, the moving average method. The general level of economic security of the enterprise was studied based on the analysis of the integral indicator of financial, production-sales, technical-technological and personnel components of economic security. Problems related to the economic security of the Antonov State Enterprise were identified, namely: the enterprise's unpreparedness for martial law; absence of a permanent manager; outdated and worn equipment; lack of the latest technologies and slow implementation of innovations; lost agreements with suppliers; complexity of logistics and loss of sales markets. According to the results of the study, ways of increasing economic security were formed: reorientation of product sales markets; expansion of the production base; updating of equipment; compliance with environmental standards; attraction of foreign investments; professional development of employees; development of an enterprise development strategy; development and implementation of economic security tools. The directions for improving the company's work have been identified, including: reorientation of the sales market; change of the raw material base; solving the problem with the management.


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How to Cite
Ohrenych, Y., & Dibrova, V. (2023). ECONOMIC SECURITY OF INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISES IN UKRAINE: STATE, PROBLEMS AND DIRECTIONS FOR IMPROVEMENT. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (15), 180-191.