• Vitalina Yarmolenko State Higher Educational Institution «Kherson State Agrarian University»
Keywords: agriculture, insurance, agribusiness mark, insurance contract, insurance premiums, insurance sum, insurance programs, index insurance


The article is devoted to the definition of the current trends in the development of the insurance market for agricultural crops in Ukraine. It is revealed that the agro-insurance market is actively developing today. The analysis of functioning of the market of insurance of agricultural crops in the period with 2005 for 2017 is carried out and it is defined, that revival of the market after the long crisis has begun in 2016. However, there are some problems that hinder agricultural insurance. One of the main reasons is the mutual distrust of agricultural commodity producers and financial companies that are engaged in insurance of agricultural risks. The insurance of agricultural crops in the market shows the activity of international companies to introduce insurance programs for farmers. The insurance products that are currently represented in the agricultural insurance market and on what terms are defined. Also, new insurance programs beneficial for agrarians, taking into account an increasingly wide range of risks, have been identified. Thus, today the agricultural insurance market is actively developing and requires the improvement of the insurance mechanism for the functioning of agrarian enterprises. Insurance companies offer new beneficial insurance programs for farmers, taking into account all the wider range of risks.


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How to Cite
Yarmolenko, V. (2020). FEATURES OF AGRO INSURANCE IN UKRAINE. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (1), 232-239. Retrieved from http://tnv-econom.ksauniv.ks.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/31