Keywords: motivation, enterprise, mechanism, management, personnel


The purpose of the study is to evaluate and analyze the modern process of managing the motivational mechanism of the organization of entrepreneurial activity. It was established that an important point in the management of labor resources of enterprises is the presence of a motivational component. The main goal of the enterprise activity stimulation system is the formation of the production behavior of employees aimed at achieving strategic goals, that is, combining the interests and needs of employees with the strategic goals of the enterprise. Currently, there are many theories of motivation. Special attention is drawn to theories that consider not only the issue of incentives, but also differences in the structure of employee motivation, on the basis of which work behavior can be predicted. Both the system of personnel motivation as a whole and the management of labor resources of enterprises (for example, the placement of personnel, the choice of motivational influence on the employee) depending on the motivational profile of each employee are important. It was determined that the factors of formation of the employee’s motivational profile are of significant interest from the managerial point of view. Analyzing the data obtained as a result of studying the motivational component of employees of a particular enterprise, it is possible to solve many tasks, for example, to form a system of stimulating the work behavior of an employee, to predict work behavior based on the motivational component of an employee, etc. The motivation to start an entrepreneurial activity has a rather pronounced gender specificity. Among young entrepreneurs, the share focused on finding the advantages of starting a business is about 65%. However, if the vast majority (70%) of men are guided by such motivational factors as the desire for freedom and independence, for better professional and career opportunities, with a much lower importance of economic factors (30%), for women economic interest (61%) — increasing and maintaining income — plays an important role. a much greater role than the desire for self-realization. It was determined that motivational mechanisms contribute to the development of entrepreneurship, which consists in finding new directions for rationalization and profitable investment of resources, implementing new combinations in production, moving to new sales markets, and creating new products. In addition, the role of the effectiveness of motivation is ultimately determined by the overall final results, that is, high labor productivity and production efficiency, as well as high quality of products (works, services).


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How to Cite
Kyrychenko, N., & Khirsa, I. (2022). MOTIVATION MECHANISM OF BUSINESS ORGANIZATION. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (14), 32-36.