The purpose of the article is to study the peculiarities and conditions of business operation in Ukraine during the martial law. The Mastercard survey of entrepreneurs from all over Ukraine was analyzed. It has been found that almost 50% of companies have undergone changes since February 24, 2022. At the same time, 79% of respondents significantly reduced their business volumes, 19% are working at the pre-war level, and only 2% managed to increase turnover. It is proved that. depending on the field of activity, war losses differ radically, and the possibility of moving an enterprise or its individual division varies from moving in 2 days (such as the office of an IT company) to the complete impossibility of moving and, as a result, the loss of fixed assets (metallurgical plants) . The state has identified enterprises (and their separate subdivisions), whose relocation assistance is a priority - these are strategically important enterprises and enterprises that produce essential goods (bread and other food products, drinking water, clothing, etc.) to meet the needs of the civilian population, the military and territorial defense. However, in practice, any enterprise can submit and receive an application for assistance, since each of them contributes to the support of the economy, therefore it is important for the state. In the conditions of war, everyone must work on their front and contribute to ensuring the country's economy. Unfortunately, part of the business located in the zones of active hostilities is forever lost, blocked, looted. But the rest can relocate, save (and partially provide) jobs and thus ensure their own solvency, the solvency of the population and ensure income to the state budget. But in any case, it is necessary to keep a cool mind and take measures aimed at the liquidation or relocation of the enterprise or its separate division. After all, in any case, the war will end with the victory of Ukraine and the post-war period will require actions aimed at bringing business into compliance with the requirements of current legislation.
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