Keywords: state regulation of the economy, agricultural sector, mechanisms, regulatory and legal mechanism, organizational mechanism, economic mechanism


The article addresses the more important problem of the present, which is connected with determining the place of the modern state in the processes of regulation of the components of the economic system to which the agricultural sector belongs. In the current scientific literature, the coverage of this issue can be seen in the writings of famous scientists, but this problem has not yet found its final solution. Using scientific methods of cognition, the paper presents the evidence of the need for state regulation of the agricultural sector through mechanisms: political, legal, organizational and economic. Emphasis is placed on assessing the effectiveness of state regulation of the agricultural sector based on the implementation of state mechanisms. The political and legal mechanism is responsible for the implementation of programs and regulations, with the help of which it is possible to determine the type of state regulation of the agricultural sector. The implementation of the organizational mechanism of state regulation is carried out on the basis of defining the goals of state regulation: improving the level of food security of the agricultural sector of the region; ensuring the solvency and liquidity of enterprises; effective socio-economic development of rural areas; playback and increase resource efficiency; increasing the level of competitiveness of agricultural products in the region; provision of the agri-food market with state financial support. The effective functioning of the economic mechanism is ensured by its components: planning, organization, motivation, control. These components are contained in the Concept of the State Target Program for the Development of the Agricultural Sector for the Economy until 2020, which is proved by the necessary analysis. The paper concludes that the better conditions created by state authorities in which the economy grows, the less the state has to interfere with economic processes and vice versa, when the state creates obstacles, the economy loses stability and state regulation becomes management with economic and administrative ones. methods of influence. As a result, the economy will lose market weights, which will reduce the standard of living of the population.


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How to Cite
Volska, O. (2020). CURRENT PROBLEMS OF REGULATION OF AGRARIAN SECTOR OF THE STATE ECONOMY. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (1), 17-25. Retrieved from