Keywords: financial security, economic security, accounting and analytical support, agricultural enterprises


The article examines the main aspects of accounting and analytical support for the financial security of agrarian enterprises. It was found that financial security as a component of economic security involves the separation of the financial aspect, which is a set of measures to prevent probable damage from the action of negative factors according to various financial and economic indicators of the enterprise. Accounting and analytical support for the financial security of an agricultural enterprise is a complex process that must be developed taking into account the specifics of a particular enterprise and may include the following elements: constant analysis of internal and external economic situations and trends; control and planning; provision of restriction of access to financial information, reporting; control over financial activity, over the state of business; creation of reserve funds that will allow to support the activity of the agricultural enterprise in the event of the absence of any income for a certain period of time; work with receivables, etc. It is proposed to display the system of accounting and analytical support for the financial security of agricultural enterprises in the form of an accounting component, which includes financial, managerial, and tax accounting, an analytical component, which includes financial, economic, and strategic analysis, as well as a controlling component, which includes external, internal, and strategic control. It is emphasized that the proposed system of accounting and analytical support functions on the basis of accounting, non-accounting, regulatory and analytical information. Four stages of accounting and analytical provision of financial security of agrarian enterprises are distinguished: 1) determination of the needs of information users regarding the provision of financial security of an agrarian enterprise with the aim of forming high-quality financial and management reporting and the corresponding system; 2) determination of the structure of the accounting and analytical system, which will allow to form the accounting and analytical support of the system of financial security of the agricultural enterprise, satisfying the needs of users; 3) determination of the organizational, technical and methodical aspects of the functioning of the accounting and analytical system, which will allow to form accounting and analytical support of the system adequate to the set goals; 4) regulation of the indicators of the reporting system and in the specific context of ensuring the financial security of the agricultural enterprise.


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How to Cite
Birchenko, N., Rudenko, S., & Riasnianska, A. (2022). ACCOUNTING AND ANALYTICAL ENSURING THE FINANCIAL SECURITY OF AGRICULTURAL ENTERPRISES. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (13), 191-197.