Keywords: аgriculture, financial security, leasing, capital, lending, investment


The article analyzes the financial and economic indicators of agriculture in Ukraine, which allowed to reveal in the structure of financial resources the largest share belongs to the equity of enterprises, as the main source of their education. It has been established that the features of agricultural production have a significant influence on the functioning of the industry. Particular attention has been paid to traditional sources of financial resources of agricultural enterprises, which include equity, bank lending, investment and leasing. It is revealed that the limited financial resources in agriculture causes deterioration of its financial security. The most acute question relates to the material and technical base of production, the high cost of which is not suitable for small and medium enterprises. This affects the quality of production, the deterioration of the export potential of the industry, as the park of new high-efficiency agricultural machinery decreases, and the capital and current repairs of the existing one are not carried out due to the price of spare materials. It has been established that agricultural production should be equipped with high-tech means to remain competitive on the domestic and foreign markets. Dynamics of attraction of financial resources by domestic agroholdings through international stock exchanges are analyzed. It is established that it is expedient to change the conditions for granting the right to receive financial support: to determine the financial security indices (in particular, the coefficients of financial dependence, financial stability, the ratio of attracted and equity capital, the coefficient of financial independence (autonomy), maneuverability of own funds, concentration of the loan Capital, current liabilities, long-term liabilities, and the attraction of current assets to accounts receivable. Financial security of agricultural development requires effective financial support, which is achieved through the use of alternative sources of funding, including leasing, lending, agrarian receipts, stock exchanges, foreign investments.


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How to Cite
Prystemskiy, O. (2020). FINANCIAL PROVISION FOR AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT . Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (1), 221-226. Retrieved from