It has been established that the prerequisite for the development and prosperity of industrial enterprises is the attraction of investment resources aimed at modernization of production, expansion of production capacities, production of a new type of product, which ensures an increase in the level of competitiveness. Also, in the post-war period, the importance of investments, the role of investment processes for industrial enterprises will increase, which will contribute to their development. The development and recovery of enterprises will contribute to the development of the state's economy. It was determined that an important role for the effective use of investment resources is played by the management of investment activities, which allows to implement the company's strategy, improve its work, and ensure successful activity. Management of investment activities allows you to choose and attract investment resources, implement investment policy and ensure the formation of competitive advantages of enterprises, growth of income, and minimization of costs. Along with the management of investment activities, it is advisable to manage the innovative activities of enterprises. Indicators of investment and innovation activity of industrial enterprises of Ukraine were studied. The expediency of management of investment and innovation activities has been substantiated and the mechanism of management of investment and innovation activities of industrial enterprises has been improved, which includes interrelated elements, allows to determine the sequence of management, the peculiarities of the organization of investment and innovation activities, to increase the efficiency of these types of activities, to manage risks, to form and accept reasonable management decisions. The use of the formed mechanism will allow to increase the efficiency not only of investment and innovation activities, but also the functioning of the entire enterprise under the conditions of variability of the market environment and will contribute to the growth of profitability, the implementation of investment projects, and the formation of measures to neutralize the negative impact of the market environment.
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