Keywords: organizational culture, motivation, labor potential


The article examines the main theoretical aspects of the formation of the organizational culture of the enterprise. Organizational culture is characterized as an expression of basic values and norms in the organizational structure, management system, personnel policy, which is carried out within the framework of the specific activity of the enterprise. It has been established that the organizational culture of the enterprise is a set of beliefs, guidelines, behavior models, rules, approaches to work, methods of communication, which are consciously or unconsciously followed by the majority of the company's employees. Such constituent structures of organizational culture as: traditions, values, company image, strategy and mission, rules and norms of behavior, in particular ethical, etc., are highlighted. The fact that the formation of organizational culture includes: the development of the company's philosophy is emphasized; management of organizational communications; formation of organized teams, collectives; leadership development; management of personnel efficiency, taking into account the motivational component. It is emphasized that the main factors affecting the improvement of organizational culture are legality, openness, accuracy of the company's strategic and tactical plans, optimization and constant improvement of the enterprise in multi-directional activities. Factors influencing the formation of organizational culture are singled out and substantiated, in particular: the culture of the society in which the enterprise operates, the culture of leadership of top management, the management of the enterprise, the persistence of management in implementing new norms of behavior, ideas, guidelines, and value orientations. It was established that an effective organizational culture should respond in a timely and adequate manner to changes in the internal and external environment of the enterprise, ensuring its stability and competitiveness. Organizational culture is formed in the course of practical entrepreneurial activity as a response to the problems posed by the enterprise's external and internal environment. The content of the work, the personality of the manager, the management style, the peculiarities of the psychological climate - these and other factors affect the organizational culture of each enterprise.


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How to Cite
Lepeyko, T., & Yaniieva, D. (1). THEORETICAL ASPECTS OF THE FORMATION OF THE ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE OF THE ENTERPRISE. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (13), 99-107.