Keywords: budgeting, tourism, management, business, SMEs


The relevance of the topic of the article is the need for comprehensive research on the formation of approaches, tools, mechanisms for establishing effective budget management of the domestic enterprise of the tourism industry in the postwar development. The aim of the study is to study the role of the budget and the specifics of budgeting in the management of tourism SMEs for the formation and implementation of effective budgeting technology for business recovery in postwar conditions based on making the right management decisions. Research methods: comparison, generalization, logical-structural, analytical-research, survey. The essence and content of the concepts "budget of a tourist enterprise" and "budgeting" are determined. The budgeting process from the standpoint of strategic, tactical and operational management is considered. The goals and functions of budgeting in the postwar period are formulated. The technology of budgeting for SMEs in the field of tourism in the postwar conditions is proposed. It is noted that the basic step of budgeting is to develop a business model of organizational structure, which contains a description of the company's activities, functions, structural units and distribution of functions, and the key is automation of budgeting and analysis. The conclusion is made about the need to introduce effective budgeting technology in the SME management system. The recommendations of the management of tourism SMEs on the application of models of effective budgeting technology for effective and rapid postwar business recovery: centralized for small, micro companies and decentralized for medium enterprises. It is stated that the factor of decentralization of managerial and financial powers in the SME management system should play an important role in choosing a budgeting strategy. The practical value of the article is to make effective decisions on building a system of responsible management of limited resources of enterprises in the process of adaptation of SMEs to the realities of business in the postwar period through the introduction of budgeting technology.


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How to Cite
Tsviliy, S., Kuklina, T., & Kaptiukh, T. (2022). BUDGETING IN THE MANAGEMENT OF TOURIST SMES IN THE CONDITIONS OF POST-WAR RECONSTRUCTION OF BUSINESS. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (12), 64-70. https://doi.org/10.32851/2708-0366/2022.12.9