Keywords: maize for grain, food security, yield, selection, genetics, global food problem, COVID-19 pandemic


The global COVID-19 pandemic has posed new challenges to the planet's food security. Ukraine is traditionally one of the largest exporters of grain in the Black Sea region and global supply logistic chains depend on the maximum return on crop potential. Maize is one of the strategically important cereals, the potential of which is not fully used due to the presence of certain technological, climatic, organizational, economic and institutional factors. In Ukraine, the development of grain production on an innovative basis and access to new world markets should become a "locomotive" of bringing Ukraine to the top countries –producers of world food and maximize the available rich resource potential of agriculture. The purpose of the research is to analyze trends, identify problems and find ways to strengthen the potential of maize for grain production in the context of strengthening food security in Ukraine and the world. Various theoretical and empirical methods were used in the research, including abstract-logical, monographic, constructive, graphical, tabular methods and comparative analysis. The place of Ukraine among the leading exporters of maize for grain in the world and the dynamics of its production indicators are analyzed. An assessment of trends in maize for grain yield in Ukraine and the world, as well as by region are given. It is established that in 2020 Ukraine provided 14.5% of world exports on the world maize for grain market, and its production in 1990-2020 increased 6.4 times. There is also a tendency to increase the yield of maize for grain in Ukraine compared to the world since 2011. The main problems of maize for grain production in Ukraine are described. It is proved that the potential of its growing in Ukraine is not fully used. The key directions of thorough transformation of agrarian and economic policy on cultivation and export of maize for grain in Ukraine are offered. The practical significance of the results is that the proposed steps at the levels of government and enterprises will strengthen the potential of maize for grain production, which is a strategic component of solving the global food problem in the world and the key to financial stability of Ukraine.


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How to Cite
Vasylishyn, S., Vynohradenko, S., & Dyakonov, S. (2022). POTENTIAL OF MAIZE FOR GRAIN PRODUCTION IN THE CONTEXT OF STRENGTHENING FOOD SECURITY OF UKRAINE AND THE WORLD. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (12), 10-19. https://doi.org/10.32851/2708-0366/2022.12.2