• Tetiana Mirzoieva National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
  • Nazar Tkach National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
Keywords: trade, medicinal plants, efficiency, sales channels, market operators


The authors of this publication aimed to determine the prospects for the development of trade in medicinal plants, taking into account its characteristic modern features. To achieve this goal, the authors used methods of analysis and synthesis, as well as scientific comparison and generalization. To achieve the goal, the authors used the methods of analysis and synthesis, as well as scientific comparison and generalization. The study found that the development of the production of medicinal plants, as well as trade in them is studied by many scientists and practitioners in different regions of the world. The facts that cause active development and growth of economic importance of trade in medicinal plants are revealed and presented. It is noted that this is the case at the local, regional, national and international levels. Collectively, everything indicates the relevance of this study. In addition, a number of defining facts have been identified and presented, which indicate the growing role of medicinal plants from an economic point of view. One of such facts is the possibility of rural development. The main sales channels of medicinal plants in Ukraine are identified and their advantages and disadvantages are briefly analyzed. It has been determined who is most involved in the trade of medicinal plants in Ukraine. Examples of successful and effective trade in medicinal plants in Ukraine are presented. The authors note that the trade in medicinal plants becomes more profitable if they are processed. Emphasis is placed on the fact that the demand for medicinal plants has increased significantly during the COVID pandemic 19. Attention is paid to the price situation on the market and requirements for export lots. It is indicated which plants the price increased during the corona crisis. The basic preconditions for effective trade in medicinal plants in the present conditions are determined. The negative factors that accompany the development of trade in medicinal plants are highlighted – they are common to all countries of the world. Taking into account the existing advantages and disadvantages of the trade in medicinal plants, some prospects for its development are identified. Given that medicinal plants play a huge role, especially in the treatment of the population, these approaches are of great practical importance.


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How to Cite
Mirzoieva, T., & Tkach, N. (2022). DEVELOPMENT PROSPECTS TRADE IN MEDICINAL PLANTS. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (11), 52-59.