Keywords: regional development, regional policy, region, principles, tasks, eurointegration, policy of grouping


Construction of an independent democratic state and global integration processes require the creation of a qualitatively new system of government, taking into account both the realities of modern life and the perspectives of social and economic development, as well as the experience of management in the developed countries of the world and national historical experience. The challenges that Ukraine faces in the conditions of globalization make it necessary to find innovative approaches to form its regional policy, to modernize the system of management by regional development. This foresees the introduction of a new regional policy aimed to combine the task of modernizing of the economy of the country with guaranteeing of a balanced development of regions. Administrative and territorial reform in Ukraine at the contemporary stage sets new tasks between the State connected with realization of the potential of separate regions, conditions of their stable development on the basis of unity and integrity of the State’s territory, combining centralization and decentralization in the fulfillment of State power. In Ukraine, together with central authorities, active subjects of economic, political, and other relations are regions and cities; we can see search of mutual profit model between centre and regions, territorial communities of towns, settlements, villages, and other places of living, founded not on the principles of dictates and subordination but on the principles of decentralization, partnership, and coordinated actions. The experience of foreign countries testifies that such a model unifies these relations independently of the form of State government. Therefore, the effective direction of optimization of public power can be representation in the power relations interests of the regions, structuring the local level of public power and strengthening the regional level with full-fledged bodies of self-government, legislative consolidation and guaranteeing of mechanisms of regional policy, State regulation of development of regions, determination of improvement of status of administrative and territorial bodies with the aim of approximation to human needs and existing standards, democratization of internal State relations, the greater part of economic methods needs influence on the corresponding objects, etc. Regional development is a process which needs efficient and effective institutions, requiring close cooperation between governments, business organizations and social groups at every level. European regional policy is oriented on turning problems into opportunities. Today, almost all the necessary legislation for regional development, which corresponds to the best European standards, is formed in Ukraine. We have a basic law; a State strategy of regional development, which is very close to its structure to similar documents of the member States of the European Union. Forming its own approaches to regional development, creating efficient mechanisms for shaping and realization of regional policy in Ukraine we should take into account contemporary tendencies in regionalization, that nowadays have a great influence on the policy of spatial development of European countries.


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How to Cite
Morozova, O. (2020). DEVELOPMENT OF PUBLIC MANAGEMENT IN THE CONTEXT OF EUROPEAN INTEGRATION: A REGIONAL ASPECT. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (1), 169-177. Retrieved from