Keywords: labor market, safety of labor market, threats for economic safety, employment, unemployment


The article has been analyzed contemporary state and tendencies of development of situation on labor market in Kherson region. According to the statistical facts it is enveloped the influence of negative tendencies in the sphere of labor market on economic safety. Peculiarity of labor market in the region is a serious gap between indicators of registered unemployment and indicators according to the methodological assessment of IWO. Thus, exceeding of quantity of a real unemployment that is determined according to the methodology of IWO, is over quantity of registered unemployment for the period from 2014 to 2018 hovers at around 3,3-5 times that is very threatening phenomenon on labor market. Peculiarity of the mentioned period is the fact that starting with 2015 it can be observed predominance of discharges concerning economic reasons over discharged to his/her own desire and agreement of sides and as a result at the end of 2018 these indicators were accordingly 37,6%, 25,5%. During the last five years the quantity of economically active population in a general was shortened from 524,6 thousand persons to 497,2 thousand persons (27,4 thousand persons), general reduction of employment of population was 38 thousand persons or 2,5%. It is necessary to mark that while reduction of general quantity of employed for the period from 2014 to 2018 on 2,5 %, reduction was very negative phenomenon of employed in the sphere of industry almost at 7,8%, that threatened with development of a region on the base of realization of potential of innovative model, able to produce highly technological and competitiveness goods on the world market. According to the data of a State service of statistics in 2018 in a whole the quantity of non-formal employed population in Ukraine was 24,3% from the general quantity of employed, in Kherson region this indicator was – 42,1% and it took the 4-th place. Analysis of contemporary tendencies of labor market of Kherson region indicated on the deepening of crisis phenomena in the sphere of unemployment and in the sphere of employment of population as well that is emphasized mainly by negative dynamics of the main indicators of labor market that carried threats for valuable and effective usage of labor resources, realization of a model of innovative development of our State and also they brought down guarantees of social protection and justice in a society.


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How to Cite
Kovalyov, D. (2020). STATE OF LABOUR MARKET: THREATS FOR REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (1), 162-169. Retrieved from