The article investigates the formation of motivation strategy in modern production. The labor resources of the enterprise are one of the most important components of its activities. Personnel of the enterprise, their potential, qualifications are one of the advantages of the company. In a dynamic market environment, efficiently used labor resources are the result of skillful, experienced management of the whole set of economic factors. The stimulating role of money, the use of labor resources, the level of labor productivity is studied in connection with wages. In a dynamic market environment, efficiently used labor resources are the result of skillful, experienced management of the whole set of economic factors. One of the main functions of modern management, aimed at improving the efficiency of the organization's staff, is motivation. The formation of motivation strategy in modern production concerns basically all the constituent elements, which, of course, requires their systematic and comprehensive consideration in the development of motivational influences aimed at further development of production and increase its efficiency. Wages or compensation of employees (compensation somehow that the employee receives from the organization in exchange for their work) plays an extremely important role in attracting, motivating and maintaining an adequate workforce in the organization. Compensation can have a twofold effect on employees – motivating and demotivating. The process of evaluating the work of staff includes identifying and communicating to the employee information about how he performs his work. Assessment not only allows the worker to see more clearly the tasks before him and find out how well he is doing the job, but also has an impact on future work. The stimulating role of money is especially effective when the company rewards its employees depending on the performance of work and obtaining specific results. The analysis of the use of labor resources, the level of labor productivity is carried out in conjunction with wages.
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