• Alina Sakun State Higher Educational Institution «Kherson State Agrarian University”
  • Igor Pantiuk State Higher Educational Institution «Kherson State Agrarian University”
Keywords: marketing, marketing activities, fruit and berry products, market infrastructure, economic efficiency, agribusiness, agromarketing


Implementation of marketing concepts of development by agricultural enterprises leads to the transformation of tools, which affect the achievement of production and marketing goals of fruit and berry products. The purpose of the article is to consider the main types and methods of marketing research in agribusiness, as well as an analysis of modern Ukrainian practice in conducting marketing research of agricultural enterprises of fruit and berry products. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study consists of the fundamental principles of marketing theory, the scientific works of scientists and economists on the role and place of marketing activities in enterprises producing fruits and berries. Using integrated marketing methods are very effective for development enterprise in growing of fruits and berries productions. As a result of ours investigation the active marketing actions must be directed to increase new consumers and their positive attitude towards the manufactures, the expansion customer base. It has been determined that one of the main tools to increase the competitiveness of fruits and vegetables is a reasonable definition of priorities for further development, the formation of a marketing system adapted to business conditions and market requirements. The directions of improving the marketing of fruit and berry products at agricultural enterprises are justified: expanding the range of products, taking into account changes in market conditions and the needs of potential buyers; quality improvement; growing organic products based on organic farming; certification of products to enter foreign markets; providing specialized enterprises with modern gas storages; distribution system improvement; conducting price monitoring during the marketing year and adjusting pricing strategies; ensuring the competitive advantages of enterprises (creating a brand, creating a positive image; improving advertising support during exhibitions, fairs, field days and developing advertising for all types of containers and packaging); creation of specialized marketing and consulting services in regional industry associations or manufacturers associations.


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How to Cite
Sakun, A., & Pantiuk, I. (2020). IMPLEMENTATION OF MARKETING ACTIVITIES AT ENTERPRISES FOR PRODUCING FRUIT AND BERRIES. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (1), 154-161. Retrieved from