Keywords: niche marginal crops, legumes, beans, production efficiency, profit


In recent years, niche legumes have been of considerable economic interest to small and medium-sized agrarian businesses, as they provide an important competitive advantage in the market in terms of sales and cultivation costs. The legume niche market in recent years has shown a steady increase in both domestic and external demand. The area under these crops is increasing every year. The purpose of the article is to study the economic potential of niche legume production, in particular beans, as well as to analyze the status and dynamics of the niche market. The use of the potential of this type of production could be an alternative in solving the problem of providing the population with economically cheap and environmentally friendly protein, high quality animal feed, problems of organic fertilizers, significant increase of soil fertility, formation of sound crop rotation systems, etc. Beans are a strategically needed crop because they are the main source of balanced protein content and environmentally friendly protein content. In beans, the protein content varies greatly and depends primarily on the genetics of the variety, climatic and technological conditions of cultivation. Thus, the protein content of beans was 17.87 to 23.38%. According to analysts and experts of the agrarian market, the world production of legumes reaches about 75 million tons a year. Due to high demand for export to Europe, Ukrainian farmers are actively expanding their bean area. In general, the area under bean crops in Ukraine is only growing. As of September 1, 2017, legumes were harvested from an area of 477.6 thousand hectares. In 2018, 568.4 thousand hectares were sown, which is the best indicator in the last 15 years. The demand for culture and the constant demand are driving more and more entrepreneurs to start their bean-growing business. Beans are of great interest to small and medium-sized agribusinesses because they make high returns with low investment and reduce the dependence on price volatility and global market conditions. Overall, the bean-growing business is low-cost. Basically, the costs are to buy planting material, care of crops, to pay for plantation, to pay for the services of hired workers (at large scale crops), transportation costs associated with the sale of beans.


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How to Cite
Petrova, O. (2020). CONDITIONS AND PROSPECTS OF GROWING BEAUTY CULTURES IN UKRAINE. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (1), 148-153. Retrieved from