The development of youth entrepreneurship in the country can be one of the ways to solve a number of socio-economic problems, such as job creation, reducing unemployment, training. It should become a significant segment of small and medium-sized businesses and a significant link in entrepreneurial activity, because young people have the ability to respond quickly to any changes in life and effectively use their benefits. Based on this, we can say that young people have much greater potential and ability to do business than other age groups. At the same time, this type of business is quite unpopular. The main reasons for this are not only insufficient support, both at the regional and state level, but also the lack of platforms for young people in most regions of the country, through which they could gain relevant knowledge and skills, exchange information, develop their own ideas. , get expert advice. As a result, innovative ideas either do not appear at all or do not enter the market, remaining within the walls of higher education institutions and research laboratories. One of the alternative directions of popularization of youth business can be the creation of the All-Ukrainian network of business clubs. Its specificity and technology of work organization will consist in a systematic approach to solving the problem of finding the development of innovative and business projects at the seed and pre-seed stages. Youth innovation projects will be able to receive comprehensive assistance: financial, consulting, information and organizational. Such an integrated approach will help to intensify the involvement of young people in entrepreneurial activities. Thus, the main purpose of the article is to substantiate the feasibility of creating a network of business clubs as one of the alternative areas of youth entrepreneurship. An analysis of the current state and prospects for the development of youth entrepreneurship in the country. The aspect of scientific novelty of the conducted researches is to substantiate the need to create an All-Ukrainian network of business clubs, the purpose of which should be to unite young energetic people who would have relevant knowledge and progressive thinking to start a successful business. The study developed the main conceptual provisions for the creation of this network, the structure and mechanisms of its formation, formulated the main results.
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