Keywords: trade branch, trade turnover, trade activity, retail, economy


Trade is one of the fastest growing forms of business, especially retail. Considering retail trade as a business or exchange activity, it should be noted that it is also an important element of the system of movement of goods and occupying an intermediate position between the social and industrial sphere, sells goods and products to end consumers. The article is devoted to defining new vectors of trade industry development, its status substantiates the role of trade in sustainable development of national economy. The purpose of the article is to determine the main ways of activating the Ukrainian trade industry and to formulate prospects for further development of trade activity. During the study the following research methods were applied: monographic, statistical, analytical and empirical. As a result, important trade indicators were analyzed, such as: share of trade in gross domestic product (at actual prices) for the period 2015 - 2018, wholesale and retail turnover in the context of food and non-food products, turnover structure in Ukraine for 2007-2018 , retail trade turnover for January-December 2018, regional features of retail trade turnover for the period January-November 2019, structure of retail trade turnover of enterprises by type of economic activity (NACE class) in 2018. On the basis of the analysis of statistics of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, various indicators have been analyzed that indicate the development of the trade sector and named innovative methods of retail trade development, and it is proposed to develop the Internal Trade Development Strategy for 2020-2025. the directions of development of retail trade in the world are offered and the list of points which should be in the developed Strategy of development of internal trade is offered. As a result, it is determined that the revitalization of business requires the introduction of innovation, the use of updated tools of interaction, consolidation, integration and automation, which will increase the efficiency of the retail business both today and in the future. The state, in turn, should stimulate the development of retail trade through state support, improve the investment climate in the industry and help to improve the development of consumer demand for the population.


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How to Cite
Petrenko, V., & Karnaushenko, A. (2020). ACTIVATION OF UKRAINE’S TRADE INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENT. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (1), 139-147. Retrieved from