Keywords: young people, small business, culture, business-incisives, young prep, business problems


Activities in the field of youth entrepreneurship are aimed at solving problems, first of all, socio-economic nature: reducing unemployment, realization of the possibility of creating new jobs, developing new directions and sectors of the economy, etc. Youth entrepreneurship is one of the factors in the development of the country's economy, so there is a need to attract young people to entrepreneurship. The article presents the modern scientific practice of youth entrepreneurship, which singled out some of its features, and also identified a number of strengths and weaknesses of this phenomenon. Based on the analysis, a retrospective of the positioning of young people in the modern business community is presented and the most important directions for improving this promising vector of national youth policy are formulated. The author of the analizo-otetstevennyh and zarubelnoye opit forms and methods of podderzhki and razvytyvay young predprinoytelstva, selected basic formats. The effectiveness these relations determines the need to take into account the phenomenon of cross-cultural management in the construction of business relations. As a result of the globalization of the world economy, in which representatives of different cultures are involved, it is necessary to try to increase the range of business contacts in the world market, expand investments abroad, increase the overall culture when working in a cross-cultural environment, build an adaptive management system based on the study of the experience of the world's best companies. Cross-cultural skills include: understanding the nature of culture and the fact that culture affects human behavior in his workplace; understanding the differences between cultures; understanding how cultural factors affect the organization of structures, systems and priorities; the ability to introduce elements of one culture to another; understanding how deeply elements of one culture can be introduced into another, and vice versa. Contraindications in the work of the international manager is ethnocentrism, that is, the desire to "fit" representatives of one culture into their own framework and expect them to meet these norms of behavior.


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How to Cite
KaplinaА. (2021). YOUTH ENTREPRENEURSHIP AS A FACTOR IN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (8), 29-33.