Keywords: spatial and sectoral synergy, self-organization, synergetic potential, sustainable development, tourist system, tourist zoning


Strategic management and analysis of the tourism industry, planning and forecasting of its development require a profound knowledge of the regional features of the spatial distribution of tourist resources. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the feasibility of applying a synergetic methodology in the processes of tourist zoning in the context of ensuring the optimal level of order of the tourism system in terms of sustainable development. Abstract and logical method has been used in the study to clarify the essence of the concept of “tourist zoning”; comparison has been used to clarify the differences of tourist taxa of different hierarchical levels; analysis and synthesis has been used to determine the structure and justify the integrity of the tourist system; hypothetical and deductive method has been used to formulate and further test the hypothesis about the feasibility of applying synergetic principles in tourism zoning. From the point of view of synergetics, tourist zoning involves a consistent process of spatial organization of information in order to relatively reduce the chaos of tourist behavior. Tourist zoning is associated with the introduction of tourist systems of different hierarchical levels to the most profitable attractor, which, in essence, means providing movement to the established goals of the tourism industry. At the same time, various fluctuation influences can change the nature of regional specialization, the rating of recreational centres and tourist and excursion cities, the direction of “landscape and route corridors”. In the functioning of tourist destinations there are signs of increasing entropy associated with the phenomenon of “tourist overstrain”, and at the same time counteracting them in the form of negative entropy, focused on optimizing tourist flows and reducing the load on certain areas. The process of tourist zoning should be focused on the goals of sustainable development and maximum use of the synergetic potential of the tourist system. It has been suggested to consider the achievement of the effect of “spatial and sectoral synergy” in tourism as an important criterion for the success of tourist zoning. The practical value of the research results is in outlining the directions of optimization of the procedure of tourist zoning in the conditions of permanent spatial transformations that take place on the basis of self-organization of tourist destinations.


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