Keywords: digital technologies, hospitality industry, small and medium business, block chain, voice technologies, robotics, artificial intelligence


Trends in the development and use of digital technologies in the hospitality industry are analyzed. The global nature of technological integration leads to a gradual change in the business process. Today's trend is a digital transformation that affects all areas of activity focused on the global application of digital technologies in the activities of economic entities, the formation of the information society and the digital economy as a whole, ie the use of technological opportunities. It is noted that the hospitality industry is one of the most promising sectors of the global economy. The digital economy is considered to be the economy directly related to the processes of development and implementation of digital computer technologies in all spheres of economic production and consumption. The digital economy is characterized by the transition from the third industrial revolution to the fourth industrial revolution. It covers the area of online services and goods, namely e-payment services and e-commerce, e-commerce and e-commerce, crowdfunding, e-banking and more. The current state of development and functioning of small and medium business is studied and its special role in the hospitality industry is shown. The analysis of the structural distribution of the enterprises of the hospitality industry is carried out and the tendencies concerning their development are revealed. The potential of digitalization of the most famous companies that play a crucial role in the functioning of the hospitality industry, which started as startups, is analyzed. An author's approach to identifying key technological opportunities for digitalization for small and medium-sized businesses in the hospitality industry (block chain, modeling and forecasting, horizontal and vertical integration, Internet of Things, cloud computing and data storage, cybersecurity, augmented reality, voice technology, artificial intelligence). The factors restraining the development of digital technologies and their importance for small and medium enterprises (financial and economic, regulatory, legal instability, lack of investment in high-tech industries, low living standards, digital illiteracy).


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How to Cite
Tyshchenko, S. (2021). DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES IN THE HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (7), 131-139.