• Polina Sokol Oles Gonchar Dnipro National University
  • Olga Khitko Oles Gonchar Dnipro National University
Keywords: portfolio analysis, optimal development strategy, portfolio matrix, method, competitiveness, BCG matrix, Mac Kinsey matrix


The analysis of the modern market of goods and services causes enterprises to manage in an uncertain business environment that requires new approaches and methods of managing the economic (marketing) activities of business entities. For this purpose, the primary task is the choice of methods of analysis and methodology for the formation of the management strategy of the enterprise. To ensure the effective existence of the enterprise, it is necessary to assess the state of market opportunities in modern conditions.It has been proved that this assessment is necessary for the development of development strategies, analysis of the competitiveness of the company, due to which the enterprise can reach the new market lines. The generalized need to assess its own competitiveness for the enterprise is due to modern market trends. When assessing the competitive position of the enterprise, the introduction of a certain valuation method has been developed. Among the different methods of assessing the competitive position, the best option is portfolio analysis of the enterprise. The article presents a portfolio analysis of a modern enterprise. is proved that the issue of choosing methods of analysis and formation of the enterprise's commodity portfolio remains relevant due to the need to constantly update it and change its product portfolio to gain competitive advantages in the market. The use of only one selected method cannot ensure the full implementation of tasks for the analysis of the internal range, assessment of the external assortment, coordination of internal capabilities with the needs of consumers. The methods that are at the heart of the decision on the formation of the enterprise portfolio should be constantly reviewed and improved and require compensation for insufficient assessment of the external range by other methods of forming the marketing policy of the enterprise due to the complexity of obtaining reliable information. The need to form an optimal strategy for the development of the enterprise is substantiated. It is substantiated that portfolio analysis methods are used in a comprehensive way, not singled out. This makes it possible to move away from the risks of the influence of the external and internal environment more carefully and to a greater extent. According to the results of calculations and construction of the analysis algorithm, we justify that the matrix method of analyzing the competitive position of the enterprise is the most universal, because it has the optimal ratio between the accuracy of results and the time spent on its development. In addition, the use of not one indicator, but a whole system of indicators causes the adoption of competent management decisions. It is proved that portfolio analysis methods should be used in a comprehensive way, and not singled out, which makes it possible to move away from the risks of influence of the external and internal environment more carefully and to a greater extent. It is justified that the use of not one indicator, but the whole system of indicators causes the adoption of competent management decisions .Directions of improvement of marketing activity of real enterprise are proposed.


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How to Cite
Sokol, P., & Khitko, O. (2021). FEATURES OF PORTFOLIO ANALYSIS OF THE ENTERPRISE (ON THE EXAMPLE OF «ENERGY GROUP»). Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (7), 122-130. https://doi.org/10.32851/2708-0366/2021.7.15