• Polina Sokol Oles Gonchar Dnipro National University
  • Anastasia Moseyko Oles Gonchar Dnipro National University
Keywords: internet product, social media marketing, enterprise activity analysis, social networking, SWOT analysis


The article discusses the features of the use of the Internet in the advertising activities of a real enterprise. the survey was conducted and the need to use modern Internet tools was substantiated. Emphasizes the need for a more thorough study of social media marketing as the optimal method of promoting an Internet product for enterprises of various scales. This work analyzes activities in social networks and promotes the Internet product through them on the example of an existing business entity in an uncertain competitive environment. To analyze the company's work, a SWOT analysis was carried out to identify weaknesses and strengths. This type of analysis allows you to help the organization to see and evaluate all the factors influencing decision-making, as well as to determine the possibilities of development.The increase of network users at the moment has made advertising on the Internet a powerful tool for influencing people and forming public opinion. That is why this type of advertising develops very quickly. As a result, the vast majority of companies use Internet advertising to advertise their own products. That is, the need to use this type of advertising is due to modern market trends. This study examines the problem of using the Internet in advertising activities. It is suggested that the use of social media marketing is the most universal method of promoting an Internet product, emphasizes the urgency of using this method to provide recommendations for enterprises of various scales. It has been proved that the relevance and necessity of using this method contributes to increasing the competitiveness of a business entity in terms of providing recommendations for enterprises of various sizes in today's business – an environment where social media marketing is the most universal among other methods that allows you to obtain up-to-date and accurate data, develop and substantiate recommendations that will correspond to the real situation in the market. It is substantiated that this method of promotion of the Internet product is optimal in the ratio of data accuracy and time and effort spent on its implementation.


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How to Cite
Sokol, P., & Moseyko, A. (2021). FEATURES OF THE INTERNET APPLICATION IN ADVERTISING ACTIVITIES. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (7), 113-121. https://doi.org/10.32851/2708-0366/2021.7.14