In the modern world with its accelerating pace of life, the preferences of consumers in the hospitality industry have changed and continue to change. A modern person is no longer just enough safe shelter and elementary comfort, he wants new emotions, new experiences, as a result of which his feelings of beauty, historical memory, awareness of himself as a member of a certain community, etc., are sharpened. Therefore, in the modern hospitality space, new strategies and business models for the development and promotion of hotel brands appear that meet the desires and interests of loyal consumers and help to attract the covered segments of the hotel services market. Today, hotels, in order to survive in the intense competitive professional struggle for a "place in the sun" and in the future to successfully develop as highly profitable and competitive hotel enterprises, need to timely monitor and respond in a timely manner to the emerging needs of already covered segments of hotel consumers, as well as actively seek modern non-standard forms hospitality to attract new segments of consumers. Currently, in the hospitality industry, given the growing market for hotel services, and with it the increasing competition among hotel companies, it is important to meet the preferences and tastes of consumers, which are changing significantly due to the ever-accelerating pace of life. That is why the hospitality industry practices, develops and promotes a variety of hotel brands that meet the old and new needs of consumers who are already in the covered market segments, so as not to lose customers, and, of course, contribute to attracting new segments of the hotel market. And here the intuition of anticipating the emergence of these new needs is very important, that is, what modern hotel marketers should have. The article argues that in the modern hotel services market, there is an interpenetration of the components of various strategies. Each of the participants in this market today does not limit himself to the boundaries of the traditional format of the hotel business.
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