Keywords: domestic tourism, tourist locations, tour operators market


The article defines an existing number of tourists who use the services of tour operators to travel by the territory of Ukraine and beyond. The analysis of indicators that characterize the activities of the tourism sector of the Kherson region is carried out. A distinguished list of tourist operators, which ensure the provision of tourist services exclusively in the Kherson region, thereby exercising popularization of domestic regional tourism. It is determined that the promotion of domestic tourism travel agencies is carried out at the expense of developed routes and tours that reveal the historical, cultural, and the natural property acquisitions, where there will always be interesting aspects of both Ukrainian and foreign tourists. Their advertising takes place through official sites, Internet platforms, conducting tourist forums, exhibitions, festivals, etc. It is revealed that the strengthening of the significance of tourism businesses in the development of domestic tourism of the region takes place through the development of tourist projects involving local self-government bodies, since improving the tourist infrastructure of the region possible through the cooperation of all subjects of interest in this process. Characterized tourist projects, the creation of which for the Kherson region will lead to an increase in demand for an internal tourist product, will attract potential investors to investing funds and development of their own business, will create additional jobs for the local population. Also, the article presents the main list of prerequisites for the development of tourist operators of the Kherson region, which will lead to their quantitative growth and expanding their list of tourist products and thus to increase the economy and incurred investment funds to the region. An analyzed list of top 20 brands and top 6 location routes of the region, which are today in demand in the field of services providing travel agencies of Kherson region and are presentation tourist facilities that reveal all cultural, historical, natural resource, gastronomic, hotel, hotel. -Restaurant potential of the Tavria region. It has been proved that joint efforts of all levels of government and all tangential subjects to the tourism sector may choose that vector of activity, which will lead to the creation of proper infrastructure objects and tourist locations in the region, and their effective promotion will increase the tourist flows of the inbound and Outbound tourists.


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How to Cite
Stukan, T., & Osadchiy, A. (2021). ANALYSIS OF THE MARKET OF TOURIST SERVICES OF KHERSONSHINA. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (6), 13-22.