Keywords: youth policy, principles, youth, self-realization, youth entrepreneurship


Today, the paradigm and vector of development of regions and even the whole country is constantly changing, so it has been repeatedly confirmed that it all starts with the youth, as one of the main subjects of social and economic policy of the state. Youth is an important part of modern society, the bearer of the intellectual potential of the country and a determining factor of socio-economic progress. Therefore, today, local and national authorities are faced with the task of stopping the outflow of people aged 18 to 35 to other countries and creating appropriate conditions for young people to apply their acquired professional competencies in Ukraine. The implementation of this process should first of all begin through the implementation of an effective youth policy at the state level, which will be aimed at forming and stimulating the further development of youth entrepreneurship and take into account non-standard views of the world and preferences of young people. The article identifies and highlights the main statements of scientists on the essence of the concept of “youth policy”, gives a generalized interpretation of the characteristics of this definition. The analysis of normative-legal acts of the Ukrainian legislation regulating this sphere of activity in the country is carried out. The main essence of the principles on which the implementation of youth policy is aimed is revealed and it is determined that these are certain regularities that are taken into account when implementing measures that are directly aimed at implementing youth policy at all stages of its implementation. It is determined that today in Ukraine there are three priority areas in youth policy. Also, based on the analysis of the basic principles of youth policy, a number of steps have been identified that should be taken to create conditions for the development and self-realization of youth on the ground and in the newly created united territorial communities. The priority components of the policy for the country should be financial and staffing, development of youth infrastructure, creation of conditions for youth entrepreneurship, as well as systematic involvement of young people in the process of development and decision-making.


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How to Cite
Stukan, T. (2020). YOUTH POLITICS: ESSENCE, BASIC PRINCIPLES AND STATE OF REALIZATION IN UKRAINE. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (4), 125-131.