Keywords: youth entrepreneurship, tourism industry, tourism youth entrepreneurship, tourism destination, tourism and recreational potential


The purpose of the article is to identify the strategic priorities of tourism youth entrepreneurship development in Kherson region and its role in realizing the tourism potential of the region. On this basis, the following tasks are formed: to conduct an economic assessment of tourism businesses, to determine the vectors of development of the youth entrepreneurship in tourism industry and to substantiate the prospects of effective social partnership in this field. Entrepreneurship is the ecosystem of modern thriving economy. It is the engine for economic development, effective employment, unemployment decrease, the quality of life improvement. Developed countries experience shows that in the business sector structure, small and medium-sized businesses play a key role for the employment and economic growth ensuring. Small and medium business is the very sector where the business activity of young people, the most dynamic, flexible, prone to risk, and at the same time – one of the most vulnerable group of the population, is mainly realized. Youth entrepreneurship performs important social and economic functions, including the creation of new jobs, unemployment decrease, the formation of practical knowledge and business skills, soft skills, foundation for self-actualization and self-development, etc. Expanding prospects and activating the youth entrepreneurship development creates prerequisites of its potential use in traditional and new areas, where it is necessary to upgrade dynamically, to respond to the external environment challenges creatively, to implement business ideas socially responsibly, to consider investment objects from an unexpected angle. One of such objects today is tourism and hospitality industry, the development of which is undergoing structural transformations due to the pandemic, but remains a trend in the modern economy and has the potential for broad prospects for entrepreneurial activity of young people. To achieve this goal, the problems and prospects of youth business in the tourism sector are studied and proposals for its further effective development are provided. The methods of abstract and logical reasoning of theoretical positions on a theme are applied, statistical research of this sector of business development, systematization of the factors defining the branch performance are used. The article examines the formation and practical use of competitive advantages of youth entrepreneurship in the tourism business. The necessity of development and popularization of this type of business among the population of Ukraine is substantiated. Qualitative components of competitive advantages that form the tourist image of the region are analyzed. The components and directions of providing competitive advantages in the tourism sector at the regional level, the need to increase its investment attractiveness, financial recovery, government support and legal regulation are considered. The measures proposed for the development and implementation of competitive advantages can be used to justify the regional programs of tourism youth entrepreneurship development.


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