Keywords: tourism, tourist product, usefulness of services, product attractiveness, consumers of services


Modern challenges of the “consumer society” create many dilemmas for young people in determining their own directions and goals of life, aspirations and forecasting any personal and professional results, in understanding the true enduring values and socio-economic indicators for society as a whole and for an individual. The development of modern tourism largely depends on the development and implementation of innovative technologies aimed at improving customer service and expanding service tourism opportunities. Currently, we can observe strong competition, new tourist centers are entering the market, Internet technologies and online sales are developing at lightning speed, consumers increasingly prefer to combine different types of recreation, and there is also a decrease in the duration of tourist trips. All this makes us think and constantly look for new ways to promote tourism products, since the successful work of a travel company depends not only on the desired high quality product, market-oriented pricing policy. Systematic and effective communication with potential clients and resellers is also required. Tourist activity can be viewed as the activity of tour operators and travel agents in the formation of a product, namely, a tourist product, on the one hand, and the actions of tourists consuming a tourist product, on the other. The tourist product is the basis of the tourist offer and tour. A tourist product as a commodity is characterized by consumer value, that is, by its utility or ability to satisfy certain needs of people for leisure and recreation. Utility a tourist product is determined by its value for the consumer. Because of this, tour operators strive to create such a tourism product, which would be valuable for the largest possible number of people, i.e., if possible, it should have a mass consumer. At the moment, there is a tendency in the tourism market to populate an individual approach and form more a narrowly targeted tourist product, which may include a tourist and excursion program, food, guide services, alcohol, creating a photo report from a trip, etc. The article presents information on the assessment and improvement of the usefulness of services in a complex tourist product and their competent application at the enterprises of this industry.


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How to Cite
Katsemir, Y. (2020). DIRECTIONS OF INCREASING THE USEFULNESS OF SERVICES IN A TOURIST PRODUCT. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (4), 88-93.