Keywords: organic production, organic products, competitiveness, certification, government stimulation


There is a steady increase in demand for organic products in the world. According to Swiss experts, the market for organic products in the world is about $ 90 billion. The dynamic development of organic agriculture in the world is largely driven by the increasing demand for organic products in the global agri-food market, where the capacity of the organic segment is growing five times faster each year than the global market as a whole. Experts predict that in 2020, global agri-food trade could reach $ 200-250 billion. USA. More than 2 million farms are engaged in ecological production in the world. Compared to 1999, land in organic farming has more than tripled in the world. Organic production is one of the promising directions of development of the agro-food sector of Ukraine and is officially recognized as a priority of the state agrarian policy. Ukraine can become one of the leading organic producers in Europe by its natural and climatic potential. According to the Commercial Service of the US Embassy in Ukraine, the average return on investment in Ukrainian organic farming is about 300%, making it one of the most attractive destinations for investment in Ukraine. In the conditions of deepening of European integration processes, the primary tasks of agrarian policy are improvement of legal bases of regulation of organic production, circulation and labeling of organic products, formation of a proper inspection and control system. Therefore, at the present stage, the development of organic production is extremely relevant and needs further research. The paper analyzes the prospects for the development of organic production in Ukraine and the appropriateness of increasing its scale under increasing demand. It looks at a number of strategic advantages of the appropriateness of manufacturing organic products. The study reveals the problems and peculiarities of the functioning of agrarian enterprises manufacturing organic products. It pays attention to the necessity of government programs supporting the development of organic production.


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How to Cite
Boiko, L. (2020). ORGANIC PRODUCTION IN UKRAINE: A PROMISING TREND IN SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE . Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (1), 87-95. Retrieved from