Keywords: online marketing, behavior, online market, B2B, B2C, consumers


In the modern economy there are accelerated processes of transformation of business models that support the trends of economic globalization. With new challenges, new forms of marketing are emerging, new markets are opening up, new channels of communication with consumers are being used, and online marketing tools are being used to promote goods. Such changes necessitate the modeling of marketing behavior of enterprises that have entered the online market to improve the marketing activities of the enterprise and achieve its strategic goals. The study identified the main trends in the development of the online e-commerce market, which began to grow rapidly due to the economic crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. The comparative characteristics of the online market of B2B and B2C sectors are carried out according to certain criteria, such as the size of the online market, the cost of products and services, customer relations, loyalty program, support and consultation, marketing goals, content strategy. A model of marketing behavior of the enterprise in the B2B online market is developed, in which the enterprise is considered as an open system, it has marketing goals in the online market, includes the process of making decisions about online procurement and the company's reaction to online purchasing. A model of marketing behavior of the enterprise in the B2C online market is also proposed, in which the enterprise is also considered as an open system, has strategic marketing goals and mission in the online market, includes the online sales decision-making process and responds to the online marketing process. Marketing behavior of enterprises in the period of adaptation to new conditions should be based on the results of monitoring trends in the external environment of the enterprise, as well as take into account changes in the main marketing indicators of the enterprise itself. The types of marketing behavior of the enterprise in the online market, such as passive and active, are offered, the content of these concepts is specified. In order to achieve active business behavior in the online market, you should use effective Internet marketing tools for B2C and B2B markets, such as content marketing, search engine optimization, paid online advertising, email, social networks with the ability to advertise and target, marketing influence. A further perspective of the study may be the consideration and selection of criteria on the basis of which it is possible to develop a methodology for determining the marketing behavior of the enterprise in the online market.


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How to Cite
Kapinus, L., Rozumei, S., & Nakonechna, D. (2020). MARKETING BEHAVIOR OF ENTERPRISES ON THE ONLINE-MARKET. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (4), 80-87.