Keywords: competitive advantages, wholesale market, trade, entrepreneurial activity, , product quality, prices


The current state of the market of agricultural and food products in Ukraine is characterized by rather slow formation of the market scheme of promoting products to consumers, which would be capable of reducing the losses of agricultural products, improving their quality, assisting in market pricing. The appearance of non-organized resellers at the market of agricultural products, their multiple resale of products causes an increase in retail prices, quality loss, a reduction in the range of products. In a market economy, wholesale markets are one of the most important elements of the system of goods movement from a producer to a consumer, an institution, arranging and stimulating the distribution of agricultural products. In order to develop the infrastructure of the agrarian market the Decree «About the approval of the order of using funds, envisaged in the state budget to provide financial support to create wholesale markets of agricultural products» was adopted, according to which a wholesale market should be organized in every region. Therefore the issue of developing an efficient infrastructure of wholesale markets in Ukraine’s regions remains important to provide the population of all the regions with various agricultural products. Wholesale markets of agricultural products are an important element of marketing infrastructure and the institution at the agrarian market making it possible to manage sales of bulk batches of agricultural products. The paper substantiates the competitive advantages of wholesale markets, distinguishes the main directions of the activity and the advantages of the country from building a network of wholesale markets of agricultural products in Ukraine. The main advantages of the functioning of wholesale markets are the quality of food products, price control, better budgeting, increasing competition at the consumer market, fast promotion of products to consumers, creating new jobs. On the basis of the obtained results we draw a conclusion about the expediency of building a network of wholesale food markets as an important premise of ensuring economic security of commodity producers and meeting the demand of consumers for high-quality food products.


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How to Cite
Boiko, V. (2020). WHOLESALE MARKETS OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS AS A PROMISING TREND IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (1), 78-87. Retrieved from http://tnv-econom.ksauniv.ks.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/10