Keywords: tourism, tourist, tourist object, interactive map, geographic information systems


The aim of the article is analysis of possibilities of interactive tourist maps based on GIS for the needs of tourism in Ukraine. GIS is getting better every year. This allows professionals to create better interactive maps for tourism. Tourists and entrepreneurs widely use such maps nowadays. Ukraine has great tourist potential. These reasons determine the relevance of research of tourist interactive maps based on GIS. The article describes the latest research on the use of GIS for tourism. The methods of analysis, synthesis, generalization are used in the research. These methods helped to determine the advantages and disadvantages of the analyzed interactive maps and to characterize the opportunities of their application for the needs of tourism. The cartographic method was used for analysis of interactive tourist maps and for formation recommendations for their improvement. In this article, we analyzed the possibilities of three interactive maps «Interactive tourist map of Ternopil region», «Objects of excursion tourism in Sokyryany district» and «Tourist Zhytomyr region». These maps provide the user with the necessary information and promote regional tourist destinations. The advantages of such maps include: interactivity; compactness; possibility to change the base map; search for an object on the map; options for determining your own location, routing and measuring distances; ability to change the scale of the map; obtaining additional information at the request of the user. The weaknesses of interactive maps based on GIS include: dependence on Internet access; the need to have external power sources for gadgets; viewing the map is always limited by the screen size of the mobile device. Tourist interactive maps can be useful to a wide range of people: for entrepreneurs to create new tourism products; for domestic tourists to visit new places; for international tourists planning a vacation in Ukraine; for professionals who are interested in the development of tourism in the regions. Scientific and technological progress allows us to predict the spread of GIS for tourism in the future.


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How to Cite
Shevchuk, B., & Nesterchuk, I. (2020). ANALYSIS OF THE POSSIBILITIES OF INTERACTIVE MAPS CREATED ON THE BASIS OF GIS FOR THE NEEDS OF TOURISM IN UKRAINE. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (3), 147-154.