The article examines the process of crisis management in domestic enterprises and analyzes the causes and ways to overcome the crisis. The existing problems facing the management of modern domestic enterprises in crisis need to be addressed immediately through an effective and decisive personnel management strategy within the crisis management system, which could ensure a sustainable balance between saving funds and maintaining the current growth rate of real wages and working conditions of staff. Theoretical and practical aspects of improving HR-management in the system of crisis management of domestic enterprises as a factor in bringing them out of this state are considered. The dynamics of wage indicators taking into account the inflation component is analyzed. Wage arrears in the country as a whole have increased in recent years, which leads to a deterioration of relations in the teams of enterprises, as a consequence, impairs the production potential of enterprises. Therefore, the role of the motivational component in the personnel management system at enterprises in crisis is determined. Motivation is a driving force to increase the productive potential of workers, which leads to increased productivity of the organization as a whole and helps to reduce staff turnover and strengthen internal organizational ties. The number of collective labor disputes and conflicts in enterprises is analyzed, as these factors have a devastating effect on the HR-management system and the organizational structure of the enterprise as a whole. Thus, on the basis of the conducted research the possible measures directed on improvement of HR-management of the enterprise in the conditions of crisis are generalized: maintaining the current rate of wage growth adjusted for inflation, balance of collective and individual motivation of employees, maintaining the current staff turnover, using the tools of the concept of “lean production” in manufacturing enterprises, gradual automation of production processes, conflict prevention, prevention of resistance to change by increasing the authority of leaders, use employee feedback from company management.
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