Keywords: innovations, management, investments, government, integrated competitiveness indicator, digitalization


The purpose of the article is to Identification of effective areas of cooperation between public governments, local governments and industrial enterprises to intensify innovation. A systematic approach, comparison, grouping, generalization, and methods of economic analysis were applied in order to solve these tasks. The method of assessing the effectiveness of enterprise management based on the method of taxonomic analysis is used. The analysis of the innovative activity of domestic industrial enterprises shows a low level of financial resources for the purchase of machinery, equipment, software, as well as research and development. It is substantiated that one of the most important factors to increase the efficiency of economic activity and maximize the probability of attracting investment is to ensure economic and rational use of production resources through the permanent introduction of innovative technologies, new design, engineering and technological solutions. It was found that in the context of increasing total expenditures for preventive measures to prevent the spread of respiratory disease COVID-19, to maintain existing positions in the final product market and increase the level of competitiveness of the enterprise in general it is necessary to intensify cooperation between government and business. purchase of specialized innovative equipment. The need to develop a set of measures to justify the feasibility of tax incentives and eliminate possible abuses by businesses, including by determining the integrated indicator of the competitiveness of the enterprise in the dynamics of recent years. The approach of interaction of public authorities, local government and business for introduction of innovative technologies in the course of economic activity of the industrial enterprises is offered, taking into account results of definition of an integral indicator of competitiveness of the enterprise in dynamics of the last reporting periods. The provided recommendations will allow not only to substantiate the process of providing tax benefits to business entities, but also to determine the integrated indicator of the competitiveness of the enterprise in the dynamics and weaknesses of the economic process.


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How to Cite
Makarenko, S. (2020). FEATURES OF INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT OF INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISES IN THE CONDITIONS OF THE DIGITALIZATION. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (3), 86-94. https://doi.org/10.32851/2708-0366/2020.3.11